Turn casual customer conversations into serious marketing intel.

The Interview Wizard is a digital course for marketers ready to master customer research interviews. Learn the practical art and psychology of digging deep. So you can unearth critical marketing insight from every customer you interview.
“With Hannah’s framework I know how to get insights that bring value to my clients”
“I love that I now have a roadmap for interviewing thanks to Hannah’s interview course”
“Thank you Hannah — I’m so confident and clear with how I run my interviews now”
“Hannah’s course completely reframed how I do interviewing”
“Without your course I’d still be getting limited insights from interviews”
“Hannah’s framework added depth & confidence to my interviews”



The Interview Wizard is a practical guide to the psychology of digging deep in a customer interview. So you can unearth rich insight to make smarter and more profitable marketing bets.

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The Interview Wizard isn’t just a stack of scripts or question lists. But it’s not hours of video either.

The contents of this course are based on 12 years as a qualitative researcher and my former life as a psychotherapist.
Interviewing is not about asking the “right” questions. It’s about knowing how to tease out the right answers.
What customers say about why they buy is never the reason they do. True and rich insight is tucked away layers deep.

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside The Interview Wizard:

✅ How to know if you’re digging deep enough in a customer interview… Hint: Most marketers only collect superficial data. Section: Hannah's 4 Circles of Communication
✅ How qualitative researchers quickly spot and contain bias before it spreads like wildfire and kills the quality of every bit of data you collect… Fact: Most marketers understand bias but have no idea (or the wrong idea) of how to spot treat it. Section: Spotting Customer Bias
✅ A truly “no brainer” (yet almost always overlooked) principle to help you avoid asking bad questions. Section: Asking Better Questions
✅ A radically unorthodox but effective way to prepare for customer interviews that will almost immediately raise the quality of insights you collect from customers… Hint: If you are focused on asking the “right” questions I guarantee you are leaving rich insight on the table. Section: A New Way of Interviewing
✅ The official secret and my proven and practical framework to consistently powerful and insightful interviews. Section: The Interview Trifecta Framework
✅ The exact scripts and steps to creating a psychologically safe environment on the call… so customers feel primed and comfortable to open up. Section: Kicking Off
✅ The revolutionary “anti-question list” interviewing method that will guide even amateur interviewers to unlock critical insight from any customer conversation… with little experience and practice. Section: Your Interview Map
✅ A little-known but powerful understanding psychotherapists hold to keep casual control of the interview and coax the customer to open up. Section: The Balloon Theory
✅ The “trick” to getting customers spill compelling stories and details you can slip right into your messaging… That works even if you are a newbie interviewer or introvert. Section: How to Dig Deep
✅ The proven prompts I use to dig deeper in conversation and invite the customer to share more. Section: Pick Your Prompts
 Note-for-note the exact first questions I ask in a customer interview to guarantee a successful and enlightening conversation. Section: Starter Questions
✅ The “stupid” method you absolutely need to master if you want any chance at getting customers to share unsuspecting but very deep and provocative insight. Section: The Stupid Muscle
✅ The little known technique psychologists use to prompt people to open up… Even if customers claim to not have much to say and are spitting out short answers (or long answers that are off topic). Section: Put Words In Their Mouths
✅ My personal grab bag of scripts to bring customers back on track when they go off on tangents. Section: Pick Your Prompts
✅ And so much more.

What marketers say about The Interview Wizard…

Whether you operate in B2C or B2B, the insights Hannah offers turn conversations with customers into a powerful tool for enriching marketing campaigns, brand strategy, and crafting content that rings true with the experience of your target audience.
Alina Content Specialist, Trinitex
Before Hannah’s course, I felt really awkward running interviews. Now I know how to approach these conversations to make people feel comfortable and suss out useful, meaningful information. I actually enjoy doing interviews now.
Kranthi CEO & Founder, ThoughtFlow.io
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I'm so grateful you offered this, I now have a sense of what was missing in my interviews before and I feel super comfortable charging more for VOC work.
Natasha VOC Strategist
I thought I would just get more interview hacks, but now I actually understand what’s going on in interviews. And Hannah has a degree to back this up. It’s kind of amazing.
Katie Ecommerce Consultant
Hannah's course completely reframed how I do interviewing. It covers so much— from how to think about an interview before it even starts to specific techniques to pull out answers you need. My clients have been so impressed with the insights I find.
Karen Brand & Messaging Strategist
I always felt my customer interviews were missing the mark but Hannah’s experience and education gave me real confidence she could help. She showed me how to ask questions that unravel deep insights so I can write high-converting copy.
Jennifer Conversion Copywriter & Strategist
Hannah’s course added a whole new depth and confidence to my interviews. What to look for, subtle cues to pay attention to, when to probe.
Kathryn Managing Dir of Meaningful Mrktg
Hannah makes interviewing look effortless. But it’s not effortless at all. It’s about strategy, technique, empathy. And Hannah has it all. If you’re lucky enough to learn from her, do it.
Sophia Head of Copy & Research, GetUplift

Hannah Shamji Research Inc © 2024 All rights reserved.